Love the game but passing is broken. The newest update somehow made it worse. The game is practically unplayable. Teammates can't pass to each other and instead pass to open grass. Stick is engaged one way and ball is kicked the other way. On a break, not even trying to pass and my player passes backwards, past midfield. The players move too much... And yet when this game doesn't bug out it's one of the best in the app store. I just feel like I'm wasting my time every time I play now.
There's no reason to call it a good game. My team is like a potato, and when I'm winning a match, my team just throws it all away and loses the whole game. Firstly, I never get any great players, like I keep getting the lowest rank players in the best packs. Secondly, the accuracy always fumbles when the game makes a team player pass to another one, literally behind 2 opponents; how stupid can this game be? Lastly, overall, I can't progress because of a lot of errors in the game.
Is a great football game and very enjoyable . But sometimes it soo annoying when you are playing and I will made the pass ,and it will not go to the player you play to but will rather extend to other one which made opponents to capture on it and have advantage on the game, Also the players are slow although they have been built and having good rating, but can't performed in the match. The most annoying part is the manager mode, even low ranked team can score your team.
Started of fun, the only thing I like is the friendliness of the game. I started after maybe 3 games it put me up against champions ever time. Didn't matter if I had lost 6-0 still the same high ranking teams. Will be uninstalling intil you fix this. The controls don't work very well either. I click pass or shoot, but the character just stands there while the other team takes the ball. Og review: this game is so much fun! If you like soccer (football) i recommend this game
I just want to play the game! I don't need side quests, training, little skill games, etc. All I want to do is open the app, pick two teams and play a frigging football match like the exhibition games on all the old EA 2K games. Why is there no option to do that? It takes clicking so many 'packs' and tutorials, I'm bored before I even get to play. This is terrible.
The update is a special one both in a bad and good way: defending got better, but the player stumbling is too much and I think the passing too goes too far from target like 2% of the time. The worst thing about the update is just the swipe shots. One now has to do then with more caution and precision in order to not miss; especially with players with 4* weak foot and below. Asides that, all is okay. We're just now waiting for the TOTY EVENT. I'll still recommend as best mobile football game!
This game crashes way TOO F SEODHWONSKSJUWV-MUCH! Randomly too! It has the most basic positioning no matter what overall your players could make a pass where it just happens to be slow, but because it was a through pass they wait on the opposite side of the ball. On multiple occasions your only open pass will be offside without repositioning a microscopic inch, AI bots easily get away with obvious fouls, I've once played four hours straight on one mode and didn't even make any progress.
It's a Awesome game. It has a bunch of different features It's really Fun But addictive I play almost every day and have fun every time one thing I would say is the fouling needs some work like change some of the movements and make them different also the yellow/red cards make it a little more realistic and make it so if you get a red or penalty the teams will push a little maybe but the game is awesome I love the game it's super fun tho I love it love the players & plays to all together lovely.
I swear this game is bad on purpose, because I came back to this game and all of the issues weren't fixed. The ball doesn't go where I want it to, and when I enter a match, it freezes, or doesn't freeze but im unable to control the movement of my character, it also automatically moves, so in the middle of the game it disturbs me, the devs do nothing about it, and of course if you don't spend money on the game, you lose automatically, atleast make the game more fair?.
FIFA 25 Mobile is a significant step forward in the mobile football gaming world. Its stunning graphics bring the beautiful game to life, with realistic player models and vibrant stadiums. The gameplay has seen improvements, with smoother controls and enhanced player movement. Ultimate Team mode is a standout feature, offering a deeper strategic experience as you build and manage your dream squad. However, the AI can be inconsistent at times, and occasional bugs can disrupt the gameplay.
Hello developers please fix the script of this game once you loose a couple of matches or more then it's impossible to win after that and even the players play unfairly by doing kick off glitch, backpassing and all... I faced this issue every reset and have lost lots and lots of cups due to this so please I beg to you remove this system. 😔 Edit- You can bring a fair play points system for every match they play, by this they will face consequences of playing the game unfairly
Game Graphics are cool, the controls are over sized and often are in the way of game play, as well as the player game board in the bottom center. Match ups are definitely a scam, you're either 10+ points better than your opponent or 10+ less. The game glitches a lot and controls become unresponsive to keep you from beating an opponent and does similar when doing the drills for prizes. The game has even shut completely off several times when attempting to score just to jeep you from wining.
This game has been ruined forever. The passes after this update are horrendous. They either go past my players or straight to the defender an update was done to fix the passing yet its worse.The players only have intent to move forward and not backwards. My cb's will push up without me controlling them. It's very scripted, my players run so slow and I randomly lag out of nowhere while my internet is just fine. EA is a billion dollar company but they're producing this absolute disgrace of a game.
This is the best football game ever. And I mean it. There are no ads, it has amazing tutorials for beginners and their skill moves are so good!. I am really impressed with EA. I expected this game to be boring but No! It is amazing. If only the bugs are fixed then I think the game is perfect. For example, If I purchase a player, he literally is not in my orders. And my money goes to waste. Which is very VERY annoying.Please Fix this because this game has lots of potential.Dont ruin this ):
Horrible gameplay. Matches are way to short, everytime I'm passing it either passes to the enemy or passes to the person on the defending side that is no where near the ball, skills are worse because half of the time they don't work, everytime I have the ball and I'm trying to fake out my enemy my character just stands there and looks at the enemy as they steal the ball in front of him as he does nothing, and last but not least the characters are way to hard to get unless you pay money.
I've been playing this game for a while now and not too long ago it got an update that slightly changed the mechanics of the game and now it's terrible to play. It's just like FC25 for console. So many slip ups dn stupid mistakes happen while you're playing. Players react slow to the ball, missed the ball, taking shots when you haven't hit the shot button, the players doing stupid things kn the field. I'm getting tired of this. Anybody who's used to the game knows what I'm talking about. 👎🏾👎
This game is very good. The graphics, the players, there's nothing bad abt this game, I love playing this game daily. But there are some stuff you guys need to add to the game to make it even more realistic. 1-Man of the match award. 2-Make the commentary better, like make the commentary when u score a long shot from miles out, the commentators should be screaming. 3-You should be able to start a training session to practice freekicks and stuff. Overall, this game is really good.
This is the best mobile football game I played the gameplay mechanics have received mixed reactions. While there are improvements in shooting, making it feel more realistic, issues remain with player movement and defending, which some players find unresponsive and frustrating. The controls, while generally okay, are not without their flaws give as more icon cards
The game is good, the controls, graphics stuff is good. My only big problem about this game is the difficulty of some matches.In the icon chronicles, some matches, even though they are only on professional difficulty, have 80 ovr teams, with 90+ ovr players all trained to max, and can run faster than 105 ovr players. The AI is also very difficult in those matches. Scoring even one goal to level the match is hard. The goalkeeper is low ovr and still stops shots with ease. Fix this.
You have made it so difficult to win any match that's auto, surely there's a lot of difference in professional matches or on any other challenge, I understand it's a challenge but it doesn't have to be so difficult to score, what a waste! I have actually lost all the Iconic challenge matches, world class is even worse,can't seem to get the ball. I must be feeling like an amateur right now. So sad the update didn't work for me, I mean I've quit the challenges,h to h matches far much better.